Wednesday, 26 May 2010


To choose my favorite piece of technology is very easy, because is the only thing that I use every day and I get crazy if it go wrong for some reason. This will be the computer. I spend hours a day in front of it without notice how many time has pass. But I think that not the computer itself, but obviously connected with internet. I really think that a computer without it is very useless and in my personal experience I use it without it only when it’s extremely necessary if not I get bored really easily.

The first time I used internet it was using the telephone wire. I can only be connected after 8:00pm, because it was very expensive. I remember that we didn’t had a connection upstairs so we had a wire trough out the stairs, so more than one trip over with the wire. Every time that happened we were disconnected (very often), so it was very annoying.

After some time, luckily my father decided to get an unwire connection, so now we can use internet every time we want.

I find amazing the amount of different things you can do connected to the web for example download music, series, movies, talk to your friends, work and find work too, buy different kinds of thing without even get out of the house. I’m not saying that internet could replace all kinds of interactions between people, but I think that we have to learn to combine both things. On one side we have to assume that internet makes our lives easily, but we can’t depend on it in every situation, because as we all have experience at least one, sometimes and for “no reason” it collapses and you have to adapt and continue living without, although it’s difficult sometimes.

Wednesday, 19 May 2010

About studying architecture

I’m Studying architecture and I think that one of the most important skills you need for this career is perseverance. It’s common for people to think that architects are creativity and that’s all, I think that this is not true; although it helps having original ideas quickly it takes more than that to finish the career, at least at this University.

We are commonly full of work, that means that not only you have to be working all the time, but also that you have less time to spend with your family, or friends. I think that this is something that not all the people is willing to do, so they just leave the career or have to start finding ways to combine both things.

I think that you born with creativity, but you can help yourself watching and searching for new things for example in magazines, internet, TV etc. So although if you didn’t born creative you have the chance of seeing so much that you don’t came up with something new, but you remember something you saw and from there you start designing putting thing from your own.

For perseverance I think that you just born with it, you can’t learn how to fell when you work all night and you get a bad grade, I think it depends of how you take your life and things that happened in your life, and there’s no lesson for that.

I believe the University gives as skills but depend on us to use it and to learn from them, I think that is possible (It happened to me also), that you pass a signature without really learning anything from it. So I think that the process is very personal and depends on each student to get all the abilities the University is willing to give.

Thursday, 13 May 2010

Places I Visited

I usually go on vacation to the north of Chile. That is because my mom's family lives there. When I was younger all my cousins lived in Iquique and I loved going there, I spent two months every summer living with them. I went with my family (parents, brother and sister), but they spent less time because they had to go back because of work, my sister was too young to stay alone and my brother didn't like my cousins very much.
I don't remember dates, but we visited many places near the city, for example "Pica"(hot baths) or the "Salitreras". This was because on year my family decided that we had to know these places because of all the history they had. So we went by car with my 4 cousins, the trip itself wasn't very comfortable but as we were young and excited because of the new places we were going to visit we didn't claim.
I really didn't find these places so beautiful, as the "Salitreras" were not longer in use, the place was desolated and the constructions were very poor. I know that this should be what makes it cooler from other places but I didn't find it so nice. Even so, I had a great time during the trip, laughing and playing with my cousins.

Now a days they moved to Antofagasta so this summer I went there, but we really didn't went on a trip, was only sharing time in the city as being in Santiago, but with seashore.

Wednesday, 5 May 2010

favourite website

I really don't have a favourite website related to my carrer, in fact I really don't know many pages of my carrer. I know this sound as if a didn't pay much attention to a topic it's suppose I like the most, but the true is that I don't search the web so often about architecture. But obviously I know some pages related to my carrer, although I don't visit them so often.

The first page that come to my mind when I read the topic for today was, this is very far of being "my favourite", but when I have to look for a project as an assignment for a specific class I visit this page.
The page is divide in different sections "front page" "materials" "universities" "publications" between others. This is a characteristic I just notice, because when I usually use it I just put the "key word" on the searcher to look for a project or information about a specific topic. I really don't know if it is a "really good page" but it gives a summary of what the projects are about, some important details and in some cases you can download the plans of the project, that are very useful if you want to start working with it.
Another page that came to my mind is, that was created by my boyfriend with some friends. (He is really going to hate me if he read I'm writing about his page, but as I only knew few pages I had to). I really don't know what the page is about, but I do know that some people of the Fau, not the ones that created the page, write about anything that come up to their minds (I think related to the carrer), and they upload it. Now it has published some articles for example 2 about the recent earthquake in different locations (Iloca and ConstituciĆ³n), one of modular education, other about a "sant" here at the university (of which I'm not very devoted I may add), between others. Now that I'm cheking the website I can say is like a mixture between spreading common issues about the carrer and what happens here in the FAU.